• Grow good food in a way that nourishes, excites, and connects our local community.

  • Build an epic farm that grows all types of food using modern and traditional techniques. Grow indoors and outdoors, during all four seasons, with minimal inputs. Grow plants, animals, and fungi.

  • Undeniable Quality - Not good, not great, not high quality. Undeniable quality. Unimpeachable quality. There's a difference. We want everyone to have access to the very best microgreens.

    Sincere Relationships - Friends and collaborators, not just customers. The community is a co-creator in our pursuit of an epic farm. We want to know everyone by name and how we can help bring them a better food system.

Garrett Corwin - Founder & Farmer

Garrett Corwin - Founder & Farmer

Michelle Pitcher - Farm Manager

[T]he best way to be assured of food quality is, in the words of the old quotation, ‘to know the first name of the grower.’
— Eliot Coleman, The New Organic Grower

Garrett recently earned his master's degree from Duke, where he learned how to help private sector organizations implement environmentally sustainable business practices.

He first stepped into farming while working at the University of Southern California as an aquarium technician. During his time at USC, he had the chance to oversee an aquaponics system and a novel food waste recycling program, which fed cafeteria scraps to fly larvae.

Garrett has a growing interest in regenerative agriculture and soil health, as well as high tech agriculture and its role in feeding our growing population.

Micah Morse - Farm Assistant




Piedmont Microgreens is an urban farm within biking distance of the Five Points area in downtown Durham. Our mission is to provide beautiful, fresh, and delicious greens without the impact, complexity, or uncertainty of the traditional food system. Conventional produce is judged based on how many days after harvest it takes to reach your plate and how many miles it has to travel to get there. We prefer to use hours and meters instead.